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Details of Brown's Gas are well documented in:
Brown's Gas, Book 1
Brown's Gas, Book 2 ;
Brown's Gas Videos
V1 Pioneer Historical
V2 Eagle Historical
V3 See Water Burn
That's a really good question. The answer depends on who you talk to and what you're really asking.
Scientific Answer:
The scientific answer for the constituents of Brown's Gas is:
The total mixture of gasses that evolve by electrolyzing water in an electrolyzer specifically designed NOT to separate the gasses.
The BG mixture consists of diatomic hydrogen, diatomic oxygen and water vapor.
Technology Innovator Answer:
Eagle-Research Inc. defines Brown's Gas (BG) as:
The total mixture of gasses that evolve by electrolyzing water in an electrolyzer specifically designed NOT to separate the gasses.
The BG mixture consists of diatomic hydrogen, monatomic hydrogen, diatomic oxygen, monatomic oxygen, water vapor and electrically expanded water.
Brown's Gas Users Answer:
The BG flame is a unique method for transmitting electrical energy directly into the atomic structure of materials, producing effects often unobtainable by any other means.
The answer most people are really looking for is actually the answer to the question
"What can Brown's Gas do for me?"
That answer depends on what your needs are.
Q. If you need industrial torch gasses, then the answer is:
A. Point for point, Brown's Gas is the torch gas of choice!
Q. If you want to neutralize radioactive waste, then:
A. Brown's Gas is the answer to the largest problem the nuclear industry faces today!
Q. If you are in ore concentration, then the answer is:
A. Brown's Gas helps recovery of extraordinary volumes of metal, even from ores that were previously resistant to traditional techniques!
We are finding more Brown's Gas answers everyday. It is a technology with so many practical applications that it will literally change civilization as we know it. Eagle-Research has invented the machines that finally make Brown's Gas practical; so the final answer is:
Brown's Gas is the technology that will change your life ~ either directly or indirectly.

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